Sunday, 8 April 2012

Mirror Ball

shirt: urban outfitters
crop top: topshop
skirt: urban outfitter
shoes: office

Friday, 6 April 2012

Velvet Snow.

leather jacket: vintage
dress: topshop
black top: h&m
belt: eBay
shoes: Doc Martens


In our Fashion Communication course at university we were split into groups and in these groups had to create and produce an edgy fashion magazine. Each group was given a magazine to relate to and base our own one on, my group was given Wonderland magazine. I loved working on the magazine, as very stressful as it was and thought me and my group worked really well together. My role within the magazine was layout so I spent endless hours in the CAD lab putting the magazine and the final touches together. I am pleased with the outcome and it feels amazing to have my own copy of a magazine I put so much work and effort in to. 
We named our magazine Arcane, which translates into mysterious, secret and hidden which fitted in with our theme on Escapism. We also had a sketchbook of all our research and development to complete and I loved loved loved creating and doing the sketchbook, wish I could post some of it up but unfortunately its in for marketing. Anyway hope you enjoy our magazine!

Monday, 2 April 2012


 top : urban outfitters
shorts: cut from jeans and tip dyed by me

top: topshop
shorts: levis 
shoes: doc martens 

sorry for the very bad quality of these photos. however thought i would just upload two very quick outfit posts. both very simple and minimal.


all images taken from tumblr. 
just some inspiration/ images i love.

No Cars Go.

Above are photos I took for my menswear university project. Me and my partnew created the jeans and tshirt and were both very proud of the outcome! My boyfriend, Ross very kindly modelled for me and he was a natural and I am really pleased with the photos, now just got to wait on the results..

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Alexander McQueen

Photographer: Fabien Baron

I absolutely adore this shoot of Alexander McQueen's S/S '12 collection. I love the lighting, positions and props used and think it makes the collection look dark and beautiful. These photos were featured in a recent interview of Sarah Burton where she spoke about inspirations, collections and the legacy of Alexander McQueen. I am always blown away with Alexander McQueen collections and every single garment is perfection. I think that Sarah Burton has done an amazing job at continuing Alexander McQueen's legacy of being at the fore front on fashion and being the most talked about designer in the world.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

given to the wild

Red Top: Urban Outfitters
Top: eBay
Skirt: Topshop
Jacket: Topshop

my first attempt at on outfit post! anyway been so busy recently with university we are making a cool edgy fashion magazine in 6 weeks. I am loving the project but it takes up most of my time. Our magazine is based on Wonderland magazine and our issue's theme is the escapism issue, we did a photo shoot today, which I will post up later and tomorrow we are doing another photo shoot, all very exciting.  

Monday, 9 January 2012

Paper Planes.

 Susan Stockwell's Paper Dresses.

Below: my newspaper dress...

I came across these amazing dresses bSusan Stockwell. All made from paper- maps, money. I love that although made from paper, exquisite and structured dress can still be made. Reminded me of a dress I created for my portfolio. I made the dress out of newspaper articles about the war (my theme) and remembrance day. 

Monday, 2 January 2012


i am so bored of my hair, and if i had the balls i would totally die it pink/blue. me and two flatmates did give each other coloured tips for the night which i enjoyed far too much. (me on the left)

happy new yeaaaar.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! and merry christmas! hope everyone brought it the bells in an exciting way and had a wonderful year. i have made it one of my resolutions to start posting on this blog more and more, and start doing some outfit posts. anyway hope you all have an amazing 2012!!